SOOO... I told you a while ago I would tell you my story...
And then I didn't. And it was because of insurance.
But now I don't care because I have no idea what is going on with my insurance... and I have no idea when or if I am going to get this surgery... so I am going back to what I know...
Diet pills.
And it sucks...
But, I don't know what else to do.
See, when I was in college, I weighed a very respectable 180 lbs... but thought I was HUGE.
And, some of my friends went on Phen Fen... and looked great... SO I DID TOO.
And I lost ALOT of weight. I dropped down to 155. I was sooo happy. I was a lifeguard and not afraid to wear my swimming suit in public! I partied, played, and eventually met the guy who is my husband now.
And then, they made Phen Fen illegal.
And I shot up to 200 lbs.
I found a dr who prescribed Phentermine by itself.
And I started taking that... and I dropped to 175.
And I was happy.
I partied, played, and eventually found out I was pregnant...
And then, I gained all 25 lbs back in a month and a half.
And then during my pregnancy I got up to 315 lbs.
But then I was so happy being a mom. I walked everyday and pretty consistently lost about 5 lbs a month for about 2 years until I reached about 240.
I was comfortable where I was, but we wanted to start trying for another child... and we did try... for two years... AND nothing happened.
And. the dr said it was probably my weight... which made sense to me since I had gotten pregnant the first time while on Phentermine.
So... I went back to that same weight loss dr and went back on Phentermine.
And I started to lose weight.
And I kept up the walking, but also added spinning, hip hop dance class, running, and weight lifting.
I also made small changes in the way I ate. Choosing a McDonalds cone over a Dairy Queen blizzard...
I also did things like park further away from the store.
My son had never been in an elevator because we ALWAYS took the stairs. I ran and played and truly was a very involved and fun mom. When the other moms were sitting, I was the one on the monkey bars with the kids.
And I got down to 179 lbs...
And I felt even better.
Then... as you can read from my "depression" post earlier, my life changed.
I had to go back to work. I hated it.
I remember asking my work if there was any way I could switch my computer to a standing position all day because I hated just sitting there. My body was in shock.
Here's the kicker. I went to work for LA Weight Loss. I was the poster child there because I had been through everything the people who needed help were going through. And I gave them good advice.
I helped A LOT of people.
But none of them ever knew I was on Phentermine this whole time.
It was a tool for me, like the band is for many of you.
And, I rocked it.
But slowly... the saddness I had that my world had changed so unexpectedly in a way that I really didn't want... just got to be too much.
And I don't know if the tool stopped working, or I just didn't care anymore.
I slowly (over two years) got to 200 lbs.
And I was ok with it because I told myself I wasn't working out anymore and as soon as I started again, I could drop the weight fast.
But then I was at 220... and taking the pills seemed like a waste of time and money.
So, in November, I stopped taking them.
And the last week in December 2009 I went to my first meeting about the band.
I have had no Phentermine since then.
And three weeks ago, I weighed in at 243 lbs.
Today, I weighed 235 lbs.
And also today... I took a Phentermine.
I scheduled an appointment with the "drug doctor" for next Thursday.
I'm going back on Phentermine.
*I had really wanted to be all together when I posted this and include pics from each of these moments... but this just came bursting out when I took this pill today... so I promise I will post pics of each of these moments in the next couple days.
May 26, 2010
May 25, 2010
I'm at a crossroads right now. The insurance "issue"- which I still don't completely understand- is still a problem.
My surgery request for approval can not be handed in until this is taken care of.
My surgery request for approval can not be handed in until this is taken care of.
May 20, 2010
so... I tried running .25 miles. It was MUCH harder than it was yesterday. I think I made it .20? Stopped for a minute to let cars go by and then finished up. I then walked a mile! Actually a little more I think!
I can't believe how out of shape I have gotten in the last two years. Used to walk three miles a day! But I guess I started somewhere the last time and I will do this again.
I can't believe how out of shape I have gotten in the last two years. Used to walk three miles a day! But I guess I started somewhere the last time and I will do this again.
Wow... this is all over the place...
This blog is going to get very long I think.. so I want to prepare you for that.... but I just need to get this out.
I think Drazil's post on depression has pushed me to write this (well, and boredom at work... that definitely plays a part as well.)
I know many of you are baffled by me feeling OK with my weight loss surgery being pushed off. I think I was baffled by it at first as well.
But I think I am coming to terms with the knowledge that there is something else in my life that needs to be fixed along with my weight and that is this strange sadness that seems to have a hold on me right now.
This sadness is always with me. It isn't the kind where I want to kill myself or lay in bed all day, but it is there. It feels like a shadow or a balloon following me around.
I just don't get extremely happy anymore.
It feels like that part of my brain has turned off.
I know that I used to feel happiness. I loved my life. I lived everyday to the fullest.
Then something thingS happened.
My husbands business went under. We went from living a very comfortable life to losing almost everything. I had to go back to work. Our infertility became a reality. I started gaining weight back.
I was in school full time. We had no money... My car was repo'd... My mother in law passed away... My husband and I separated for a few months...
Everything at once...
I guess I had no time to feel happiness and started to feel even more like there wasn't any happiness. Maybe I didn't deserve it?
This year things have started to get better financially. In fact, in most aspects things are much better.
But I am still haunted by sad.
Am I depressed? I don't know. I still function on a daily basis. I make decisions.... but I have no passion.
I was such a creative person before. Painting, sewing, taking nothing and making it something....
I am scared of doing that now.
I was never afraid to paint a room a color I loved. I didn't care about what others thought... well, as an example, in the last few years I have painted everythign in my house beige or light yellow in case we needed to sell it.
I have sold out.
I need my mojo, my Je ne sais quoi, my lifeblood... however you want to say it...
In pleasing everyone else, I have lost me.
My husband recently bought our first house from the people who bought it from us. It was in foreclosure (this is what my husband does for a job.)
So, I went over there... and these people had trashed my home.
There were remnants of things I had done... cool faux painting in the kitchen... my first attempt at a garden... and they had trashed it. Torn down walls in this beautiful 120 year old farmhouse and left pipes and shit all over. (When I say shit... I actually mean shit... i.e. poop...gag)
Anyway, seeing this served as a strange connection in my brain, because though I accomplished getting my degree, live in the suburbs in a "much better" house, and reblossoming from the deep pit we were in... in the midst of the work towards accomplishment, my life as I remember it has also has been trashed.
I have lost me.
I used to know what I wanted from life, but it all seems mixed up now.
I am scared to ever trust that everything will be ok.
When we lived in this house, I had surrendered to fate. I let the universe guide me and was in a very good place with who I was and who I wanted to be. I accepted my flaws and was working on changing the things I could. I would walk for hours and hours with my son in a stroller and just think and talk to him about life.
Now, I am trying to find that person again, but I scared that she doesn't exist anymore. I work in a job I truly despise because I may a decent wage and am able to work exactly the hours my son is in school. But I am scared to quit because of what happened to our finances when my husband wasn't working. I want to look for a new job, but I am terrified of a new beginning and all the unknowing that comes with it.
This is not me. I used to thrive on new beginnings.
I wish I knew how to change this. Maybe exercising? Maybe just actually having time to enjoy life? Maybe as I have less to do I will naturally become this person again?
Maybe I need a vacation to just sort this shit out in my head...?
The problem is... life just isn't that simple.
I can't afford right now to take a vacation and I don't think one day off will fix my head.
I feel guilty taking a day off when my son is in school because since I only get a couple weeks vacation- that takes away from the time I can spend with him when he is off school.
I want to move to the country... stop trying to keep up with the Jones... and just experience life.
If you all knew me in real person- you would never guess... people constantly comment and wonder how I can "do everything" and "get it all done?" I have prided myself on being that person. I do more thanmost all the people I know. Work, volunteer, school, ... . It looks great on the outside. You should see my resume!!!
Unfortunatly it's gross here on the inside. Broken, unfixed... needing some major tending to. Just like my old house!!! It feels like a lot of work- just to get me back to basics. If I can get back to basics- then there all still getting back the extras.
If youa're still with me and reading this... I guess reading all of your blogs and seeing that everyone else has issues too... while looking like we are holding it all together on the outside... it makes me feel better.
It allows me to write this... a rambling, crazy mess...
Now, a deep breath.......
I think Drazil's post on depression has pushed me to write this (well, and boredom at work... that definitely plays a part as well.)
I know many of you are baffled by me feeling OK with my weight loss surgery being pushed off. I think I was baffled by it at first as well.
But I think I am coming to terms with the knowledge that there is something else in my life that needs to be fixed along with my weight and that is this strange sadness that seems to have a hold on me right now.
This sadness is always with me. It isn't the kind where I want to kill myself or lay in bed all day, but it is there. It feels like a shadow or a balloon following me around.
I just don't get extremely happy anymore.
It feels like that part of my brain has turned off.
I know that I used to feel happiness. I loved my life. I lived everyday to the fullest.
Then some
My husbands business went under. We went from living a very comfortable life to losing almost everything. I had to go back to work. Our infertility became a reality. I started gaining weight back.
I was in school full time. We had no money... My car was repo'd... My mother in law passed away... My husband and I separated for a few months...
Everything at once...
I guess I had no time to feel happiness and started to feel even more like there wasn't any happiness. Maybe I didn't deserve it?
This year things have started to get better financially. In fact, in most aspects things are much better.
But I am still haunted by sad.
Am I depressed? I don't know. I still function on a daily basis. I make decisions.... but I have no passion.
I was such a creative person before. Painting, sewing, taking nothing and making it something....
I am scared of doing that now.
I was never afraid to paint a room a color I loved. I didn't care about what others thought... well, as an example, in the last few years I have painted everythign in my house beige or light yellow in case we needed to sell it.
I have sold out.
I need my mojo, my Je ne sais quoi, my lifeblood... however you want to say it...
In pleasing everyone else, I have lost me.
My husband recently bought our first house from the people who bought it from us. It was in foreclosure (this is what my husband does for a job.)
So, I went over there... and these people had trashed my home.
There were remnants of things I had done... cool faux painting in the kitchen... my first attempt at a garden... and they had trashed it. Torn down walls in this beautiful 120 year old farmhouse and left pipes and shit all over. (When I say shit... I actually mean shit... i.e. poop...gag)
Anyway, seeing this served as a strange connection in my brain, because though I accomplished getting my degree, live in the suburbs in a "much better" house, and reblossoming from the deep pit we were in... in the midst of the work towards accomplishment, my life as I remember it has also has been trashed.
I have lost me.
I used to know what I wanted from life, but it all seems mixed up now.
I am scared to ever trust that everything will be ok.
When we lived in this house, I had surrendered to fate. I let the universe guide me and was in a very good place with who I was and who I wanted to be. I accepted my flaws and was working on changing the things I could. I would walk for hours and hours with my son in a stroller and just think and talk to him about life.
Now, I am trying to find that person again, but I scared that she doesn't exist anymore. I work in a job I truly despise because I may a decent wage and am able to work exactly the hours my son is in school. But I am scared to quit because of what happened to our finances when my husband wasn't working. I want to look for a new job, but I am terrified of a new beginning and all the unknowing that comes with it.
This is not me. I used to thrive on new beginnings.
I wish I knew how to change this. Maybe exercising? Maybe just actually having time to enjoy life? Maybe as I have less to do I will naturally become this person again?
Maybe I need a vacation to just sort this shit out in my head...?
The problem is... life just isn't that simple.
I can't afford right now to take a vacation and I don't think one day off will fix my head.
I feel guilty taking a day off when my son is in school because since I only get a couple weeks vacation- that takes away from the time I can spend with him when he is off school.
I want to move to the country... stop trying to keep up with the Jones... and just experience life.
If you all knew me in real person- you would never guess... people constantly comment and wonder how I can "do everything" and "get it all done?" I have prided myself on being that person. I do more than
Unfortunatly it's gross here on the inside. Broken, unfixed... needing some major tending to. Just like my old house!!! It feels like a lot of work- just to get me back to basics. If I can get back to basics- then there all still getting back the extras.
If youa're still with me and reading this... I guess reading all of your blogs and seeing that everyone else has issues too... while looking like we are holding it all together on the outside... it makes me feel better.
It allows me to write this... a rambling, crazy mess...
Now, a deep breath.......
May 19, 2010
--------> Update -------------->
As of 3pm today.... I did it!
I ran .25 miles!!!
And I didn't die!
In fact, it was kinda easy.
I ran .25 miles!!!
And I didn't die!
In fact, it was kinda easy.
I want to start running.
I want to buy cute runner's clothes and actually wear them in public.
I want to get high off endorphins.
But... I can't seem to get my A$$ off the couch... or out of bed - depending on which time of day I have told myself I will now run.
I have tried the couch to 5K program numerous times and I think the furthest I have made it was Week 4.
I have now developed my own plan where I will run .25 miles a couple times a week. That's it.
This is an extremely reasonable distance...
I will do it until it's easy... then move to .50, etc.
It's a great plan.
I want to buy cute runner's clothes and actually wear them in public.
I want to get high off endorphins.
But... I can't seem to get my A$$ off the couch... or out of bed - depending on which time of day I have told myself I will now run.
I have tried the couch to 5K program numerous times and I think the furthest I have made it was Week 4.
I have now developed my own plan where I will run .25 miles a couple times a week. That's it.
This is an extremely reasonable distance...
I will do it until it's easy... then move to .50, etc.
It's a great plan.
May 14, 2010
My gardens...
One thing I am really, really enjoying about no longer being in college is the ability to finally get out and work in my gardens and not feel bad about it!
I decided to post some pics for you all today since the sun is finally out in MN, so a'gardenin I will be tonight and hopefully all weekend! Happy Friday!
Remember, I live in Minnesota so we have not really hit growing season- in fact they tell us not to plant until after May 15th when the last frost can happen!!!
This whole thing will look completely different in just a few weeks!
Here is the middle of my yard.
I really love how this is coming together!
I did something fun last weekend that I have never done before...
I threw three packets of sunflower seeds into my gardens and I am going to wait and see if any of them just happen to "take" and make pretty sunflowers for us to enjoy!!!
Wanna see my plan for this weekend? Its kinda sad right now!
I threw three packets of sunflower seeds into my gardens and I am going to wait and see if any of them just happen to "take" and make pretty sunflowers for us to enjoy!!!
Wanna see my plan for this weekend? Its kinda sad right now!
I am going to plant all around this deck.
One of our friends had a perrenial sale last weekend and I am going to go see what I can salvage from her leftovers. :)
Have I mentioned I love gardening?
Have I mentioned that I love it even more when it doesn't cost any money?
BTW,S orry I keep reposting and editing all my blogs so much- I hope it doesn't do anything weird. I am attempting to figure out how to make things look best.
BTW,S orry I keep reposting and editing all my blogs so much- I hope it doesn't do anything weird. I am attempting to figure out how to make things look best.
BYOC Virgin no longer
It’s another Friday episode of BYOC where we answer just 5 questions (some funny, some serious) in order to learn more about our fellow bloggers whether they are old or new followers. Copy and paste to your blog if you want to play along!
1. If you could be a cartoon character – who would you be and why? Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. She embodies everything I would like to be for just one day. :)
2. Who was your teenage heart throb? I wouldn't say "teenage" so much, but I had a poster of Micheal Jackson (from the Thriller years) in my room when I was younger and would kiss it every night before I went to bed. Once I was actually 13 I had moved on to real boys that I thought I stood a chance with...
3. Do you believe being overweight is about a mental obstacle or do you believe it’s simply about overeating/food? Gosh, that is a really hard question to answer. I think it could be both for me because diet pills have always worked really well for me and really fast (I just can't do them anymore- I worry about my heart a lot) Diet pills trick my brain into not feeling hungry and then in turn I eat less and lose weight. They also give me energy, which probably also makes me mope around less and in turn makes me happier and in turn makes me eat less and be more active. For me, both the mental and the overeating are serious issues.
4. What’s your all-time favorite song?
I love Sweet Home Alabama. Mostly because my son and I used to ride around in my VW Beetle and sing it together when he was a baby. I smile every time I hear it.
5. Whose blog or comment spoke to you/stuck with you this week and why? This is our “you get to be famous for a moment” without having to follow all the rules of an official blog award question.
I think it had to be Joey at Volume Control when she wrote about questioning having kids. I have a lot of emotion about this issue because I never wanted kids, got pregnant by accident and found that I loved being a mom... More than anything in the world. I wanted a big family. Then I found out my husband and I can't have any more children. This has changed my life and had a tremendous amount to do with my depression and weight gain in the last four years. Infertility changed my marriage and my personality as well as changing how I feel towards God/whatever is out there.... This is a post I will need to make another time. I had told myself I wouldn't talk about it on this blog because this is for my weight loss... but Joey's post and my reaction to it has kinda made me see that my weight loss is going to have to involve coming to terms with this...
1. If you could be a cartoon character – who would you be and why? Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. She embodies everything I would like to be for just one day. :)
2. Who was your teenage heart throb? I wouldn't say "teenage" so much, but I had a poster of Micheal Jackson (from the Thriller years) in my room when I was younger and would kiss it every night before I went to bed. Once I was actually 13 I had moved on to real boys that I thought I stood a chance with...
3. Do you believe being overweight is about a mental obstacle or do you believe it’s simply about overeating/food? Gosh, that is a really hard question to answer. I think it could be both for me because diet pills have always worked really well for me and really fast (I just can't do them anymore- I worry about my heart a lot) Diet pills trick my brain into not feeling hungry and then in turn I eat less and lose weight. They also give me energy, which probably also makes me mope around less and in turn makes me happier and in turn makes me eat less and be more active. For me, both the mental and the overeating are serious issues.
4. What’s your all-time favorite song?
I love Sweet Home Alabama. Mostly because my son and I used to ride around in my VW Beetle and sing it together when he was a baby. I smile every time I hear it.
5. Whose blog or comment spoke to you/stuck with you this week and why? This is our “you get to be famous for a moment” without having to follow all the rules of an official blog award question.
I think it had to be Joey at Volume Control when she wrote about questioning having kids. I have a lot of emotion about this issue because I never wanted kids, got pregnant by accident and found that I loved being a mom... More than anything in the world. I wanted a big family. Then I found out my husband and I can't have any more children. This has changed my life and had a tremendous amount to do with my depression and weight gain in the last four years. Infertility changed my marriage and my personality as well as changing how I feel towards God/whatever is out there.... This is a post I will need to make another time. I had told myself I wouldn't talk about it on this blog because this is for my weight loss... but Joey's post and my reaction to it has kinda made me see that my weight loss is going to have to involve coming to terms with this...
May 12, 2010
Liar yesterday. Thief today.
I am hungry.
Really hungry.
I went off my plan of liquids during the day and one meal at night that I am hoping to follow until I have surgery in June.
I cheated.
I ate 4 slices of toast (light bread) with peanut butter and honey before I went to bed. This was after having a Big Mac Snack Wrap with my son and then having more dinner than I probably should have. Oh and I had two glasses of wine.
My son and I also went out to breakfast in the morning.
Here's the crazy thing...
I don't know how I feel about this "bad day."
On one hand I am frustrated at myself for screwing up.
On the other - for breakfast I had an egg white omelet with turkey, spinach, and tomato. (I did have a couple bites of my sons choc chip pancakes though!!!) I did not eat the toast AND I got fresh fruit instead of hash browns.
Then at McDonald's- I did not get a pop. I also did not get fries.
I drank lots of water all day.
The two glasses of wine were a very dark red. Not beer or a soda drink.
Dinner was this chicken, cheese, biscuit, and Cream of Chicken mixture that we love. Probably NOT the healthiest choice, but I am also being nice to myself with dinners and not stressing about what I eat so much.
My badness was four pieces of light toast with organic peanut butter and HONEY? That's not so BAD.
I know I didn't do what I wanted.
But I wonder if some of my food issues are getting better?
I am making healthier choices. Even at my worst.
But now its today.
And whatever I did yesterday is effecting me today. A LOT.
I am starving.
I want carbs, pop, and things out of the vending machine.
I have already had a protein shake and apple sauce. And a cheese stick.
And then... I ate tortilla chips. Five big ones.
What the hell?
I was thinking- DON'T EAT THIS -------> YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET IT.
And I did it anyway.
I feel mad at myself.
The willpower I felt I was developing seems weaning.
And you want to know the worst of it?
I am so guilty.
I probably shouldn't share this.
But its just a perfect example of where my brain is at...
I justSTOLE .....borrowed..... a 5.5oz can of V8 out of the refrigerator at my work.
Yes. I did.
In my defense, the V8 has been there for weeks.
I haven't opened it.
It is just sitting on my desk taunting me.
Clearly, I have a problem....
I'm going to go put it back... right now.
Really hungry.
I went off my plan of liquids during the day and one meal at night that I am hoping to follow until I have surgery in June.
I cheated.
I ate 4 slices of toast (light bread) with peanut butter and honey before I went to bed. This was after having a Big Mac Snack Wrap with my son and then having more dinner than I probably should have. Oh and I had two glasses of wine.
My son and I also went out to breakfast in the morning.
Here's the crazy thing...
I don't know how I feel about this "bad day."
On one hand I am frustrated at myself for screwing up.
On the other - for breakfast I had an egg white omelet with turkey, spinach, and tomato. (I did have a couple bites of my sons choc chip pancakes though!!!) I did not eat the toast AND I got fresh fruit instead of hash browns.
Then at McDonald's- I did not get a pop. I also did not get fries.
I drank lots of water all day.
The two glasses of wine were a very dark red. Not beer or a soda drink.
Dinner was this chicken, cheese, biscuit, and Cream of Chicken mixture that we love. Probably NOT the healthiest choice, but I am also being nice to myself with dinners and not stressing about what I eat so much.
My badness was four pieces of light toast with organic peanut butter and HONEY? That's not so BAD.
I know I didn't do what I wanted.
But I wonder if some of my food issues are getting better?
I am making healthier choices. Even at my worst.
But now its today.
And whatever I did yesterday is effecting me today. A LOT.
I am starving.
I want carbs, pop, and things out of the vending machine.
I have already had a protein shake and apple sauce. And a cheese stick.
And then... I ate tortilla chips. Five big ones.
What the hell?
I was thinking- DON'T EAT THIS -------> YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET IT.
And I did it anyway.
I feel mad at myself.
The willpower I felt I was developing seems weaning.
And you want to know the worst of it?
I am so guilty.
I probably shouldn't share this.
But its just a perfect example of where my brain is at...
I just
Yes. I did.
In my defense, the V8 has been there for weeks.
I haven't opened it.
It is just sitting on my desk taunting me.
Clearly, I have a problem....
I'm going to go put it back... right now.
May 11, 2010
I lied....
Ok. So I said I was going to share my weight story....
I think I am going to wait until I get my approval on my band surgery. Then I will explain why and I think you will understand if you have been in the icky place of waiting for approval that I am in now.
But I did do something last night.
Something I didn't think I was ever going to do...
I told my sis in law about my surgery possibility. It just kinda slipped out...
And... my sis in law didn't make a big deal of it.
I know she will tell my brother and it will be interesting to see what he has to say.
Heres the reason why this is a big deal...
My bro and his wife are "the beautiful people", the ones everyone knows exist, but seem to only appear on tv or movie sets. For them it is real.
To give you an idea- this is exactly what my sis in law looks like (with no extensions and no make up though):
And I am not joking ... or exaggerating. I haven't thought of a movie star that looks like my brother yet, but I will try. These two are the people who don't have to worry about their weights and I know for my brother he never has. We are around them all the time because we live only two blocks from them and it is a bittersweet relationship for me because I am a bad person. I am envious and I have a hard time with comparing myself to them. I strive to not be like this... BUT I AM.
I think I am going to wait until I get my approval on my band surgery. Then I will explain why and I think you will understand if you have been in the icky place of waiting for approval that I am in now.
But I did do something last night.
Something I didn't think I was ever going to do...
I told my sis in law about my surgery possibility. It just kinda slipped out...
And... my sis in law didn't make a big deal of it.
I know she will tell my brother and it will be interesting to see what he has to say.
Heres the reason why this is a big deal...
My bro and his wife are "the beautiful people", the ones everyone knows exist, but seem to only appear on tv or movie sets. For them it is real.
To give you an idea- this is exactly what my sis in law looks like (with no extensions and no make up though):

I asked them not to tell my parents.
I am not ready for that.
Hmmmm. I had something else to post, but I can't remember what it is right now.
So, I will just end with a silly pic of me and the Hubs from the other night. (Oh, he isn't being a dick anymore. Our insurance thing is supposed to be fixed tomorrow. And if you can't tell- I am not the easiest person to live with... sometimes I might overreact a teensy weensy barely noticeable little bit.)
And he loves me anyway.
May 10, 2010
Too bad, SOOOO sad.
*****Warning: if you are looking for a happy- go- lucky post.... this isn't it.****
I haven't posted anything because I have been trying to just deal.I found out on Friday that my husband screwed something up on our insurance payment and the company is trying to figure it out. In the meantime, it is showing that we have no insurance.
Yes, this is right in the middle of me trying to get f'ing approved!
I am so mad at my husband because he is being such a dick about this whole thing- when he is the one who screwed it up!!! ARRRGGGHHHH! This whole thing is so stressful as it is.
Then, in the midst of all of this- I got my graduation pictures back.
And I look like a BIG HUGE WHALE.
See the similarity? When I see these pictures I hear the noise... MWWWWWAAAAAAARRRRRR - like a big huge animal about to eat a little tiny helpless animal- that cant move because it is terrified.
I should be proud, but I am disgusted.
Heart broken. Isn't black supposed to be slimming?
And, why do my feet look so friggin tiny?
Granted that friggin hat is not helping...
Can I be honest with you?
I mean really, brutally honest?
When I look in the mirror I do not see this person. I really don't!
I see someone completely different!
Then, also on Friday, the hubs took me out and a bunch of our friends were there to surprise me. We had a few drinks, took a few pics... and the majority of them look like I am a GIANT next to all of my friends.
I couldn't find anything to wear that night... muffin top was on full effect. How can Size 20 be so HUGE on me that I cant wear them because they are falling down and then size 18 be so tight that it causes a huge sausage around my middle?
I have been starving myself for one week. Making good choices even when doing things like going out. Yesterday I ate shrimp and calamari with veggies - grilled- at a Mongolian Barbeque. It was disgusting, but I was trying for lean protein. It was Mother's Day and the fam wanted to go out. I woke up and weighed myself this morning- and I am right back to 239.2. WTF? One week of starving- and one meal (and admittedly a few drinks on Friday night) and everything goes right back in the shitter? I had to have consumed at the very least 5000 calories less last week than I do any other week and not a pound lost?
Not only that, but I did MAJOR yard work yesterday. Digging and carrying and planting and cutting - from 7am until 1:30pm. I didn't stop moving once.
Why? Why is it like this? Why can't I make this work without having a surgery?
I am really and truly making MAJOR life changes. And I am not expecting miracles. REALLY, I'm not.
But a small change would be really, really nice. Not to mention, encouraging. And to keep doing this eating plan, I need encouragement. At work, I can walk across the street to a Burger King, a McDonalds, AND a Subway and I don't know if I can continue to have the willpower for another month when I MIGHT be able to have surgery on June 17th, assuming this insurance thing ever gets fixed.
I just want to cry.
Like a baby.
Why can't everything be easy?
I have more to post later (throughout the day). I have decided to tell you guys my story about my weight. Complete with pictures (if I can find them).
May 6, 2010
All this thoughtfulness. Is it symptom of starvation?
I told myself I wouldn't do it... And I did it anyway. And now I regret it.
I weighed myself this morning- in jeans and clothes and it showed 239.7.
This was after yesterday afternoon when it said 236.5 - in CLOTHES!!!
I was happy with that and even knowing better- I hopped on the scale this morning and now I am disappointed.
I KNEW I shouldnt do it!!! I KNEW I havent gone #2 in two days. I knew I had clothes on... I knew it wouldnt be good. And yet, I did it anyway.
Hmmm. I see a pattern here.
Yesterday, I ate 1300 calories. None of it was bad stuff - protien shakes, egg whites and veggies and CHEESE ( but I was out to eat with a friend and there was nothing else that fit the perameters) but then I went home and had two stuffed green peppers. (Literally green peppers stuffed with turkey meat and onions and peppers.) I have not had any real carbs in three days.
I knew I ate too much yesterday, but I was kinda ok with it cause I am pretty sure if I haven't heard from the insurance company by now, that I will not be getting the surgery on Thursday.
Instead, I have a month to try and learn how to live in these "rules" of the band. And, thats ok.
My son and husband both said something to me last night about this diet thing I am on. My son said it first-
"Mom, if you can do this for two weeks, why cant you just keep doing it and then you dont have to have the surgery?"
I don't know.
Does anyone else know? This is something I would like an answer to.
Why can I do this to try and get a surgery but I cant do it to take care of my body and my mind?
That thought makes me sad.
Though, maybe its just that I haven't eaten bread or noodles in three days.
I weighed myself this morning- in jeans and clothes and it showed 239.7.
This was after yesterday afternoon when it said 236.5 - in CLOTHES!!!
I was happy with that and even knowing better- I hopped on the scale this morning and now I am disappointed.
I KNEW I shouldnt do it!!! I KNEW I havent gone #2 in two days. I knew I had clothes on... I knew it wouldnt be good. And yet, I did it anyway.
Hmmm. I see a pattern here.
Yesterday, I ate 1300 calories. None of it was bad stuff - protien shakes, egg whites and veggies and CHEESE ( but I was out to eat with a friend and there was nothing else that fit the perameters) but then I went home and had two stuffed green peppers. (Literally green peppers stuffed with turkey meat and onions and peppers.) I have not had any real carbs in three days.
I knew I ate too much yesterday, but I was kinda ok with it cause I am pretty sure if I haven't heard from the insurance company by now, that I will not be getting the surgery on Thursday.
Instead, I have a month to try and learn how to live in these "rules" of the band. And, thats ok.
My son and husband both said something to me last night about this diet thing I am on. My son said it first-
"Mom, if you can do this for two weeks, why cant you just keep doing it and then you dont have to have the surgery?"
I don't know.
Does anyone else know? This is something I would like an answer to.
Why can I do this to try and get a surgery but I cant do it to take care of my body and my mind?
That thought makes me sad.
Though, maybe its just that I haven't eaten bread or noodles in three days.
May 4, 2010
Tired of talking about weight... somethin else to complain about.
SO... everyone keeps asking me if I am super excited to graduate from college.
And, I keep saying it doesnt seem real yet.
And I think I finally figured out why.
Because since I have been working on SCHOOL...
this is what has been happening to MY HOUSE.
Granted, its my laundry room/ mudroom, but if I show you the rest of my house... I am sure someone will call Hoarders and I really can't deal with that right now....
Maybe if I could move my legs without wincing I could actually tackle this room...
Is this normal? Or, am I a wimp?
I am actually getting ready to post pictures... but I need to ask this.
Did your legsache... kill on this diet thingy before surgery?
I have a headache, which I know is from caffeine, sugar, fun withdrawl...
But, this... this pain in my legs is unbearable. I know I am getting enough water- my awesome new water bottle is definitely helping with that... so I know it isnt dehydration.
I weighed myself and I am down from 243.whatever (with no clothes on) on Sunday to 237 (with clothes on) this afternoon. That is six pounds in a day and a half. Is that normal too?
I want to walk tomorrow and maybe even go to the club, but if my legs feel like this... I dont know.
Did your legs
I have a headache, which I know is from caffeine, sugar, fun withdrawl...
But, this... this pain in my legs is unbearable. I know I am getting enough water- my awesome new water bottle is definitely helping with that... so I know it isnt dehydration.
I weighed myself and I am down from 243.whatever (with no clothes on) on Sunday to 237 (with clothes on) this afternoon. That is six pounds in a day and a half. Is that normal too?
I want to walk tomorrow and maybe even go to the club, but if my legs feel like this... I dont know.
Take me out to the ballgame... I cant have peanuts or cracker jacks...
Hello everyone! It is a beautiful day in Minnesota and I am so excited because my son's first baseball game of the season is tonight. I love watching him play. His team won the championship last year, so it should be another fun year. Hopefully I can remember to take some pictures!
I also have a job interview tonight! It is a position I am very unsure of, but has more to do with what I am going to school for than what I do now and will also get me off the computer and around people again. So Im excited to see what comes of it.
So... I am doing this diet from my dr... and I am realizing it is not a liquid diet like some of you have done. It is just a starvation diet. Like 800 calories type of starvation. This is the plan - protien shake for breakfast, sugarfree applesauce for snack, protien shake for lunch, jello for snack, and protien shake for dinner. The lady that gave it to me said I could have a Lean Cuisine for dinner instead, so yesterday I made turkey stuffed green peppers- the stuffing is only turkey meat, spices, peppers and onions sliced up. I think they are less than 150 cals per pepper and have to be more healthy than a Lean Cuisine. Plus, I love the taste, so I am trying to just look forward to that tonight. It hasn't been too bad, tho its been one day and I did cheat with an ARTICHOKE last night already. :) Tho, I cant imagine an artichoke is cheating... Right?
I also have a job interview tonight! It is a position I am very unsure of, but has more to do with what I am going to school for than what I do now and will also get me off the computer and around people again. So Im excited to see what comes of it.
So... I am doing this diet from my dr... and I am realizing it is not a liquid diet like some of you have done. It is just a starvation diet. Like 800 calories type of starvation. This is the plan - protien shake for breakfast, sugarfree applesauce for snack, protien shake for lunch, jello for snack, and protien shake for dinner. The lady that gave it to me said I could have a Lean Cuisine for dinner instead, so yesterday I made turkey stuffed green peppers- the stuffing is only turkey meat, spices, peppers and onions sliced up. I think they are less than 150 cals per pepper and have to be more healthy than a Lean Cuisine. Plus, I love the taste, so I am trying to just look forward to that tonight. It hasn't been too bad, tho its been one day and I did cheat with an ARTICHOKE last night already. :) Tho, I cant imagine an artichoke is cheating... Right?
I miss coffee! I have headaches.
I bought myself the cooolest water bottle from Caribou Coffee to make up for no treats.
And I really, really like it. Isnt it cool?
I have been drinking water all day and I look really nice doing it. ;)
Which reminds me... I need to put up some pictures of me.
And my son (ITSY), and the Hubs.
And my three cats and two dogs... Milo, Gracie, Fancy, Fleurry, and Fletcher.
One more thing for today... I have decided to spend all of the time I am going to have with not going to school on doing one thing a week to make myself a better person. This morning I did my thing for this week. I bought face cream. Yeah. I know I won't win any humanitarian awards for this, but I also know that I will be 33 in almost one month. I have not taken good care of my skin and I want to try and make this a habit.
Plus, I need to take my mind off of food. Maybe if I keep slathering myself it will make me feel better?
Plus, I need to take my mind off of food. Maybe if I keep slathering myself it will make me feel better?
I bought Garnier Skin Renew Anti Sun Damage and Skin Renew Radiance Moisture Cream.
Ill let you know if I see a difference. :)
I hope you all have a beautiful, gorgeous, and sunny day!
May 2, 2010
Defining moment?
Thanks for all of your responses to the question about gastric vs banding. I think if gastric had been my only choice I never would have pursued it. And to be honest, without seeing all of your blogs, I do not know if I would be as comfortable with banding as I am.
That being said, I have decided to start my liquid diet tomorrow. Even with not knowing if I can have the surgery in May or June.
My decision in this has not come easily. I weighed in at 240 at the dr on Thursday. I need to be at 231. Even with knowing this- I just weighed myself now and I am at 243.5. Granted, I know that I will weigh more at night after standing and eating all day, but seriously? How can I know that I have this on the line and STILL not make a change?
I am ashamed and disgusted with myself and I know that saying things like, "granted... I know I weigh more at night" have gotten me to where I am. I so easily say things like, "Im eating this because I am a student and a mom and I am busy..." or " I deserve a treat." or " That skinny girl is eating this so I should be able to too." I even told my husband today that I am sure I will lose weight because I will have so much less stress once I am done with my final tomorrow. See, I know this is rational and true for some, but I also know that I will be celebrating my graduation and that will be another reason for me to eat... And I finally am at a point where I am asking myself, "HOW BAD ARE YOU GOING TO LET IT GET?"
I have headaches constantly, I won't go meet any of the people my husband works with because I am embarrassed to be his "fat" wife. I don't want to see any of my old friends because I am ashamed of how much weight I have gained since they last saw me... I have headaches all the time and cant move my body the way I used to. I get tired just throwing a football with my son. Honestly, "HOW BAD ARE YOU GOING TO LET IT GET?"
I need to make a change. I need to know I can control some part of my life. I need to feel SOMETHING.
I think the worst part of where I am at is that I am numb. I think the only feeling I truly feel is sadness. Maybe also a little disappointment.
I have a huge accomplishment coming up this week. I GRADUATE from college. Fifteen years after I graduated from highschool. I should be thrilled. I accomplished this while holding down a job, a family, and a large amount of volunteer work... I cried, fought, and missed special events in my son's life to get to this point... (Geez... Im starting to tear up... )
I should be SO PROUD. But do you know what I thought today?
"I cant wait to see my son see me walk across the stage? .... NO!
"I cant wait to see the opportunity this accomplishment brings me?" .... NO!
or even... "Good for me!" .... NO!
I thought...
"I don't want to have my picture taken in four days."
And that makes me sad.
Hopefully, sad enough that I have had a defining moment... a breakthrough...and I am going to change direction in my life.
That being said, I have decided to start my liquid diet tomorrow. Even with not knowing if I can have the surgery in May or June.
My decision in this has not come easily. I weighed in at 240 at the dr on Thursday. I need to be at 231. Even with knowing this- I just weighed myself now and I am at 243.5. Granted, I know that I will weigh more at night after standing and eating all day, but seriously? How can I know that I have this on the line and STILL not make a change?
I am ashamed and disgusted with myself and I know that saying things like, "granted... I know I weigh more at night" have gotten me to where I am. I so easily say things like, "Im eating this because I am a student and a mom and I am busy..." or " I deserve a treat." or " That skinny girl is eating this so I should be able to too." I even told my husband today that I am sure I will lose weight because I will have so much less stress once I am done with my final tomorrow. See, I know this is rational and true for some, but I also know that I will be celebrating my graduation and that will be another reason for me to eat... And I finally am at a point where I am asking myself, "HOW BAD ARE YOU GOING TO LET IT GET?"
I have headaches constantly, I won't go meet any of the people my husband works with because I am embarrassed to be his "fat" wife. I don't want to see any of my old friends because I am ashamed of how much weight I have gained since they last saw me... I have headaches all the time and cant move my body the way I used to. I get tired just throwing a football with my son. Honestly, "HOW BAD ARE YOU GOING TO LET IT GET?"
I need to make a change. I need to know I can control some part of my life. I need to feel SOMETHING.
I think the worst part of where I am at is that I am numb. I think the only feeling I truly feel is sadness. Maybe also a little disappointment.
I have a huge accomplishment coming up this week. I GRADUATE from college. Fifteen years after I graduated from highschool. I should be thrilled. I accomplished this while holding down a job, a family, and a large amount of volunteer work... I cried, fought, and missed special events in my son's life to get to this point... (Geez... Im starting to tear up... )
I should be SO PROUD. But do you know what I thought today?
"I cant wait to see my son see me walk across the stage? .... NO!
"I cant wait to see the opportunity this accomplishment brings me?" .... NO!
or even... "Good for me!" .... NO!
I thought...
"I don't want to have my picture taken in four days."
And that makes me sad.
Hopefully, sad enough that I have had a defining moment... a breakthrough...and I am going to change direction in my life.
May 1, 2010
Hey guys! Thanks so much for all of your posts before - I will get back to you soon, but our family decided to run up to the cabin for the weekend so the Hubs and Itsy can have fun while I finish studying and writing a paper. Unfortunatly, upon arrival, I found out the internet at the cabin is barely working.
Here is something I learned today:
3D Crayola art thingy for my son- $15.00, skim chai and old fashioned coke - $10.00, finding a place that my son can color, serves dirty chais, and has WIFI in the middle of NOWHERE- priceless... :)
Happy weekend!
I have three days left- THREE! And then I will be a college graduate... YEAH ME!!!
Here is something I learned today:
3D Crayola art thingy for my son- $15.00, skim chai and old fashioned coke - $10.00, finding a place that my son can color, serves dirty chais, and has WIFI in the middle of NOWHERE- priceless... :)
Happy weekend!
I have three days left- THREE! And then I will be a college graduate... YEAH ME!!!
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